domain name registration and management
Your domain name (or names) are crucial to the success of your enterprise. They should always be as short and memorable as possible, while accurately reflecting your business. We’ll work with you to analyze your situation and business goals, in order to help you choose well. Then we’ll look after all the tricky dns and mail settings, and maintain your registration and renewals for you.
search your perfect domain
common pitfalls
Don’t try to be too cute. Using numbers or single letters for words, is unwise. It just makes an address harder to remember.
Do your due diligence. Make sure the domain name you choose isn’t already a trademark, or otherwise spoken for.
Only use .com or .ca. Generally speaking, these are the only domain extensions that are worthwhile.
Be as brief as you can be, while still being descriptive & memorable. Long domain names are generally a bad idea.
Best advice: Talk to us before you register anything. We’re here to help.